19 research outputs found

    Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque machine translation for the health domain

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    [EU]Master Amaierako Lan honek medikuntza domeinuko euskara eta gaztelera arteko itzulpen automatiko sistema bat garatzeko helburuarekin emandako lehenengo urratsak aurkezten ditu. Corpus elebidun nahikoaren faltan, hainbat esperimentu burutu dira Itzulpen Automatiko Neuronalean erabiltzen diren parametroak domeinuz kanpoko corpusean aztertzeko; medikuntza domeinuan izandako jokaera ebaluatzeko ordea, eskuz itzulitako corpusa erabili da medikuntza domeinuko corpusen presentzia handituz entrenatutako sistema desberdinak probatzeko. Lortutako emaitzek deskribatutako helbururako bidean lehenengo aurrerapausoa suposatzen dute.[EN]This project presents the initial steps towards the objective of developing a Machine Translation system for the health domain between Basque and Spanish. In the absence of a big enough bilingual corpus, several experiments have been carried out to test different Neural Machine Translation parameters on an out-of-domain corpus; while performance on the health domain has been evaluated with a manually translated corpus in different systems trained with increasing presence of health domain corpora. The results obtained represent a first step forward to the described objective

    Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque machine translation for the health domain

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    [EU]Master Amaierako Lan honek medikuntza domeinuko euskara eta gaztelera arteko itzulpen automatiko sistema bat garatzeko helburuarekin emandako lehenengo urratsak aurkezten ditu. Corpus elebidun nahikoaren faltan, hainbat esperimentu burutu dira Itzulpen Automatiko Neuronalean erabiltzen diren parametroak domeinuz kanpoko corpusean aztertzeko; medikuntza domeinuan izandako jokaera ebaluatzeko ordea, eskuz itzulitako corpusa erabili da medikuntza domeinuko corpusen presentzia handituz entrenatutako sistema desberdinak probatzeko. Lortutako emaitzek deskribatutako helbururako bidean lehenengo aurrerapausoa suposatzen dute.[EN]This project presents the initial steps towards the objective of developing a Machine Translation system for the health domain between Basque and Spanish. In the absence of a big enough bilingual corpus, several experiments have been carried out to test different Neural Machine Translation parameters on an out-of-domain corpus; while performance on the health domain has been evaluated with a manually translated corpus in different systems trained with increasing presence of health domain corpora. The results obtained represent a first step forward to the described objective

    Corpus compilation and development of a machine translation system for translating clinical reports between Basque and Spanish

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    140 p. (eusk.) 136 p. (eng.)Tesi honetan txosten klinikoak euskararen eta gazteleraren artean itzultzen laguntzeko garatutako itzultzaile automatikoak deskribatzen dira. Txosten klinikoak euskaraz idatz daitezen sustatzeko helburuarekin, euskaratik gaztelerara itzultzeko sistemaren garapena lehenetsi da.Gure hurbilpena datuetan oinarritutakoa izan da, horretarako txosten klinikoak euskararen eta gazteleraren artean itzultzeko lagungarriak izan zitezkeen corpusak bilduz. Domeinu klinikoan terminologia aberatsa izanik, hauek ere kontuan hartu dira corpusak biltzerakoan .Tesian zehar sistema desberdinak garatu dira, horietako gehienak Itzultzaile Automatiko Neuronalak izanik. Bestalde, Itzultzaile Automatiko Estatistikoak eta Erregeletan Oinarritutako Itzultzaile Automatikoak atzeranzko itzulpena egiteko ere erabili dira.Garatutako sistemen kalitatea neurtzeaz gain, atzeranzko itzulpen bidez sortutako corpusen aniztasun lexikala ere neurtu da, eta sistema batzuk garatzeko datuen hautespena ere aplikatu da.Diseinatutako aurrerapenak nazioarteko testuinguruan kokatzeko, proposaturiko metodoak alemanetik ingelesera, eta ingelesaren eta gazteleraren artean itzultzeko ere probatu dira

    Stress-related coping styles, anxiety, and neuroticism in university students with myalgia temporomandibular: A case control study

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    Los pacientes que sufren dolor debido a trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM) presentan mayores niveles de distrés psicológico, estrés ambiental, síntomas somáticos, ansiedad, depresion, cogniciones de catastrofización, y otras estrategias de afrontamiento al dolor alteradas, comparados con personas libres de dolor. Sin embargo, poco se conoce acerca de los factores psicológicos involucrados en diferentes tipos de TTM. Además, independientemente de la gravedad o el tipo de TTM, el papel de los estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en los TTM todavía no está claro. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar los estilos de afrontamiento al estrés, ansiedad y rasgos de personalidad en un grupo de estudiantes de odontología que sufren mialgia temporomandibular. Una muestra de 102 estudiantes universitarios fue inicialmente reclutada para este estudio. Tras una evaluación clínica, se formaron un grupo de estudiantes con mialgia (24 participantes) y un grupo de estudiantes control (24 participantes). Los participantes de ambos grupos fueron posteriormente evaluados en ansiedad, estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés, y rasgos de personalidad. El grupo con mialgia mostró mayor rasgo de ansiedad y neuroticismo que el grupo control. Los participantes con mialgia también mostraron un mayor uso de estrategias de afrontamiento evitativas. Las estrategias evitativas generalmente se han considerado como desadaptativas, y se ha visto que incrementan el estrés percibido, un fuerte predictor de TTM.Patients suffering pain-related temporomandibular disorders (TMD) exhibit greater levels of psychological distress, environmental stress, somatic symptoms, anxiety, depression, pain catastrophizing, and impaired pain coping strategies compared to pain-free controls. However, little is known about psychological factors involved in the different TMD types. Furthermore, regardless of severity or TMD type, the role of stress-related coping strategies and styles in TMD is not yet well understood. The main goal of this study was to investigate stress-related coping styles, anxiety, and personality traits in a group of dentistry students suffering from temporomandibular disorder with myalgia. A cohort of 102 university students was initially recruited for this study. Following clinical evaluation, a myalgia group (24 participants) and a control group (25 participants) were formed. Participants were later assessed in anxiety, stress coping strategies, and personality measures. The myalgia group presented greater levels of trait anxiety and neuroticism in comparison to the control group. Participants with myalgia also showed higher levels of avoidance coping. Avoidance coping strategies are generally considered maladaptive, as they seem to increase perceived stress, a robust predictor of TM

    Proyecto de colaboración interdepartamental en enseñanza presencial para el fomento de habilidades comunicativas e instrumentos diagnósticos. Continuación

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    Se trata de un proyecto de investigación que pretende profundizar en el conocimiento de la relación entre factores psicológicos (eje II) y trastornos del área craneomandibular (eje I). Han participado en el estudio alumnos de la asignatura Comunicación y Psicología de Primer Curso de Odontología y alumnos de la asignatura Disfunción Craneomandibular y Dolor Orofacial, de cuarto curso. Ha dirigido el proyecto un equipo de profesionales interdepartamental e interfacultativo, con varios años de colaboración. El estudio se ha realizado en 2 fases, durante los cursos 2018/2019 y 2019/2020. Se han utilizado cuestionarios psicológicos para la detección de trastornos como ansiedad (STAI) , depresión (IDER), afrontamiento (C-RIA), personalidad (NEO), ira (STAXI-2) y como screening para la detección de síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y somatización, el BSI 18. Los alumnos de 4ºcurso han realizado test de screening de problemas disfuncionales, cuestionarios de síntomas y plantillas de exploración de signos del aparato craneognático de acuerdo a los criterios de exploración DC/TMD y, cuestionarios para conocer los factores psicológicos y sociales implicados en la disfunción craneomandibular. Dichas pruebas se han realizado entre los alumnos, tomándolos como hipotéticos pacientes. En las distintas fases del trabajo se han grabado videos que servirán como material docente en la enseñanza teórica. Los objetivos principales del proyecto, que consideramos que se han alcanzado, han sido motivar a los alumnos Integrando los conocimientos teóricos en la práctica clínica, mejorar la comunicación con el paciente, fomentando la relación “odontólogo-paciente”, favorecer la cooperación y el trabajo en equipo, aumentar y motivar en la necesidad del estudio, aprender a integrar e interpretar los resultados, como una forma de iniciarse en trabajos de investigación y desarrollo de los estudios estadísticos y presentación en público y debate con los compañeros. Se han relacionado los factores psicológicos con distintos trastornos craneomandibulares como son distintos tipos de mialgias y artralgias; con bruxismo de vigilia y de sueño, e hiperlaxitud articular. Se han observado diferencias con significación estadística que corroboran la relación entre los factores psicológicos y los desórdenes del área craneomandibular. Cabe destacar la relación entre bruxismo e hiperlaxitud con aspectos considerados en los cuestionarios de ansiedad (STAI) y afrontamiento (CRI-A). También se ha encontrado relación en otros desórdenes craneomandibulares. Se han presentado comunicaciones basadas en el proyecto en distintas reuniones científicas y se ha publicado el artículo “Adaptive Stress Coping in Awake Bruxism”, en la revista Frontiers in Neurology. La amplia base de datos se utilizará para futuras comunicaciones y artículos

    Application of landscape mosaics for the biological quality assessment of subtidal 2 macroalgae communities using the CFR index

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    The assessment of anthropogenic impacts on coastal waters is an important task to accomplish under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EEC). Macroalgae are one of the biological quality elements that must be considered, but their assessment has been generally limited to intertidal areas due to the difficulties and costs associated with working in subtidal areas. In this work, the suitability of using landscape mosaicing techniques is analyzed for the application of the “Quality of Rocky Bottoms” index (CFR by its Spanish acronym) in subtidal areas. For this purpose, the sensitivity and accuracy of both the indicators that compose the CFR index (characteristic macroalgae coverage, fraction of opportunistics and characteristic macroalgae richness) and the index itself were tested against different sampling surfaces and validated through direct applications of the CFR carried out in situ by scuba divers. The study was carried out at three sites, located on the coast of Cantabria (N. Spain), covering a variety of environmental conditions (depth ranges and anthropogenic pressures). Underwater video transects of 5-20 m length were recorded by scuba divers and processed with specialized software to build continuous image mosaics of the assessment sites. Each mosaic was inserted into a Geographical Information System where all distinguishable macroalgae species were identified and their coverages were estimated. Replicated subsamples of different areas (0.25 m2, 0.5 m2, 1 m2 and 2.5 m2) were tested from each mosaic for the estimation of both the single indicators and the CFR index itself. Main results showed that larger subsample areas produced higher and more accurate CFR values, mainly related to higher richness values and to smaller variability within the replicates. Accordingly, the minimum sample size required to carry out this type of studies was estimated to be of 2.5 m2, showing no significant differences with the total mosaics. At this spatial scale, the assessments of the CFR index using mosaics showed a significant correlation and an excellent agreement with the results obtained in situ. In summary, underwater video mosaicing techniques proved to be a useful tool for the application of the CFR index and could also be of great interest for the study of subtidal environments by allowing visualization of extensive seafloor areas

    Plastic accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Concentrations of floating plastic were measured throughout the Mediterranean Sea to assess whether this basin can be regarded as a great accumulation region of plastic debris. We found that the average density of plastic (1 item per 4 m2), as well as its frequency of occurrence (100% of the sites sampled), are comparable to the accumulation zones described for the five subtropical ocean gyres. Plastic debris in the Mediterranean surface waters was dominated by millimeter-sized fragments, but showed a higher proportion of large plastic objects than that present in oceanic gyres, reflecting the closer connection with pollution sources. The accumulation of floating plastic in the Mediterranean Sea (between 1,000 and 3,000 tons) is likely related to the high human pressure together with the hydrodynamics of this semi-enclosed basin, with outflow mainly occurring through a deep water layer. Given the biological richness and concentration of economic activities in the Mediterranean Sea, the affects of plastic pollution on marine and human life are expected to be particularly frequent in this plastic accumulation region

    Treatment with tocilizumab or corticosteroids for COVID-19 patients with hyperinflammatory state: a multicentre cohort study (SAM-COVID-19)

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the association between tocilizumab or corticosteroids and the risk of intubation or death in patients with coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) with a hyperinflammatory state according to clinical and laboratory parameters. Methods: A cohort study was performed in 60 Spanish hospitals including 778 patients with COVID-19 and clinical and laboratory data indicative of a hyperinflammatory state. Treatment was mainly with tocilizumab, an intermediate-high dose of corticosteroids (IHDC), a pulse dose of corticosteroids (PDC), combination therapy, or no treatment. Primary outcome was intubation or death; follow-up was 21 days. Propensity score-adjusted estimations using Cox regression (logistic regression if needed) were calculated. Propensity scores were used as confounders, matching variables and for the inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTWs). Results: In all, 88, 117, 78 and 151 patients treated with tocilizumab, IHDC, PDC, and combination therapy, respectively, were compared with 344 untreated patients. The primary endpoint occurred in 10 (11.4%), 27 (23.1%), 12 (15.4%), 40 (25.6%) and 69 (21.1%), respectively. The IPTW-based hazard ratios (odds ratio for combination therapy) for the primary endpoint were 0.32 (95%CI 0.22-0.47; p < 0.001) for tocilizumab, 0.82 (0.71-1.30; p 0.82) for IHDC, 0.61 (0.43-0.86; p 0.006) for PDC, and 1.17 (0.86-1.58; p 0.30) for combination therapy. Other applications of the propensity score provided similar results, but were not significant for PDC. Tocilizumab was also associated with lower hazard of death alone in IPTW analysis (0.07; 0.02-0.17; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Tocilizumab might be useful in COVID-19 patients with a hyperinflammatory state and should be prioritized for randomized trials in this situatio

    Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque machine translation for the health domain

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    [EU]Master Amaierako Lan honek medikuntza domeinuko euskara eta gaztelera arteko itzulpen automatiko sistema bat garatzeko helburuarekin emandako lehenengo urratsak aurkezten ditu. Corpus elebidun nahikoaren faltan, hainbat esperimentu burutu dira Itzulpen Automatiko Neuronalean erabiltzen diren parametroak domeinuz kanpoko corpusean aztertzeko; medikuntza domeinuan izandako jokaera ebaluatzeko ordea, eskuz itzulitako corpusa erabili da medikuntza domeinuko corpusen presentzia handituz entrenatutako sistema desberdinak probatzeko. Lortutako emaitzek deskribatutako helbururako bidean lehenengo aurrerapausoa suposatzen dute.[EN]This project presents the initial steps towards the objective of developing a Machine Translation system for the health domain between Basque and Spanish. In the absence of a big enough bilingual corpus, several experiments have been carried out to test different Neural Machine Translation parameters on an out-of-domain corpus; while performance on the health domain has been evaluated with a manually translated corpus in different systems trained with increasing presence of health domain corpora. The results obtained represent a first step forward to the described objective